Services Platform

Class associations
PropertyToAssociation Name
HPSVSP_ReplicationService : SNIA_Replic-
HPSVSP_OwningJobElement : CIM_Own-
AffectingElementThe element that is being affect by the job.
HPSVSP_AffectedJobElement : CIM_Af-
Method overview
This method is used to control all the jobs associated to this task group. A change to the state of the
group changes the state of all jobs associated to this task group.
This method shall return
0 "Completed with No Error" when the transition can be accomplished within internal timeout
2 "Unknown/UnSpecified Error"
5 "Invalid Parameters" when RequestedState is not 2 "Start", nor 4 "Terminate4096 "Method
Parameters Checked - Transition Started
4096 "Method Parameters Checked - Transition Started"
4097 "Invalid State Transition" when the requested to state is invalid. Return this state when
4099 "Busy" when the a previously requested transition is underway.
A standard error message containing the meaning of the ErrorInfo returned from the method if an
error is returned.
Method parameters
IN/OUTCommentsTypeParameter Name
INThe state to which the group is to move.uint16RequestedState
A datetime interval value that indicates
how long to wait until giving up.
HPSVSP_MultiAppConcreteJob : CIM_ConcreteJob
Class introduction
This class represents multi-service job created as a result of:
A client invoking a method on this server/agent
The server/agent invoking a method on itself
SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide 291