Services Platform

IN/OUTCommentsTypeParameter Name
In only
Mode describes whether the target ele-
ments will be updated synchronously or
asynchronously. If null, implementation
decides the mode.
This is not applicable and shall be set
to null.
In only
The source storage object which may be
a VirtualDisk or Snapshot. Shall be a refer-
ence to an instance of either HPSVSP_Vir-
tualDisk or HPSVSP_Snapshot.
CIM_LogicalElement refSourceElement
In only
A group of source storage objects which
may be a VirtualDisk or storage object.
This shall be a reference to an instance of
either HPSVSP_VirtualDiskGroup :
SNIA_ReplicationGroup or HPSVSP_Virtu-
alDiskGroupSnapshot : SNIA_Replication-
In onlyThis is not used and shall be set to null.
In only
Overrides the default group consistency.
This parameter shall be null.
2 ( No Consistency )
3 ( Sequential Consistency )
0x8000.. ( Vendor Specific )
Out only
Reference to the created association
between the source element or group and
an instance of a distinct subclass of Syn-
Out onlyNULL - This method does not create a job.CIM_ConcreteJob refJob
Method overview
This method allows a client to create (or start a task to create) a new group of storage objects which
are replicas of the specified source storage or a group of source storage objects (SourceElements).
This method is used to effect the following VSM operations:
Create a snapshot on an existing PiT.
Delete a PiT, snapclone group, migration group, asynchronous mirroring group, or synchronous
mirroring group.
Create an additional snapclone job for a snapclone group. The pool for the target VirtualDisk
may be in the local SVSP domain or a remote SVSP domain.
Create an additional asynchronous mirroring job for an asynchronous mirroring group. The pool
for the target VirtualDisk may be in the local SVSP domain or a remote SVSP domain.
Replication Services Profile162