Services Platform

7. Click Next. The Select HBA(s) screen appears, displaying the list of available HBAs.
Figure 31 Create UDH wizard—Select HBA(s) screen
8. If you would like to select an HBA from a folder, navigate to the folder in the tree on the left of
the screen. The Select HBA(s) screen displays the list of HBAs that have been copied to the selected
9. Select one of the HBAs you want to add to the host. HBAs that already belong to other hosts are
not selectable.
10. Click Add. The HBA you selected appears in the lower right area of the screen. If you want to
deselect the HBA, select the HBA in the lower right area, and click Remove.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 if necessary until all of the host’s HBAs are listed in the lower right
area. If the host has more than one HBA, make sure that the host has a multipath software installed
(either the VSM host agent or third-party multipath software).
12. Click Next. The Enter Host parameters screen appears.
13. From the Select personality dropdown box, select the SCSI personality for the host. The personality
defines the way in which the DPM presents virtual disks (LUNs) to the host. Set the personality of
each host to the personality that supports the multipath software available from HP for the host
operating system The multipath software and the appropriate personality enable features such
as failover and failback between DPMs.
14. In the First LUN field, specify the first LUN number with which virtual disks will be presented to
the host from this domain. Valid entries are 0 to 256.
15. In the Last LUN number field, specify the last LUN number with which virtual disks will be presented
to the host from this domain. Valid values are 0 to 256.
16. Click Next. The Select Folder screen appears.
17. If you want to add the UDH to a folder, enter the folder name in the Folder field or click Browse
to browse to the folder. The folder must already have been created. For information about creating
folders, see “Creating folders” on page 305.
18. Click Next. A confirmation screen appears, displaying the details of the UDH you are creating.
19. Check that you are satisfied with the details. If you are not satisfied with the details, click Back
to return to the previous screens and alter the details.
Working with hosts152