- Hewlett-Packard QMS 1660 Print System Reference Manual

Defines a larger imageable area for the selected media type. This
increased imageable area affects the default placement of the scaling
points P1 and P2.
Sets the image offset from the plotter’s origin in 0.01" increments.
Identifies the original image’s paper size.
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Expand Mode
Choices On—Turn on expand mode.
Off—Use default scaling points, plotting range, and plotting
Default Off
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Origin/X Direction
Choices 0000-8500 (0"-8.5")
Default 0000
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Origin/Y Direction
Choices 00000-11000 (0"-11.0")
Default 00000
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Paper Type
Choices A (letter/8.5”x11.0”), A3 (297x420 mm), A4 (210x297 mm), B
(11.0”x17.0”), Scale to Paper
Default Scale to Paper