
HP NonStop Time Synchronization User’s Guide Page 43 of 81
The name of the TimeSync trace output file. If tracing is enabled, trace data is written to
this file in either HTML or text format. All trace data is captured in memory in order to
reduce the impact of tracing on the TimeSync process. Trace data is written to the trace
output file only when tracing is stopped or when the TimeSync process shuts down. If you
change this value, be sure to fully qualify the file name if RunAsService is set to True. This
is necessary because TimeSync changes its default directory when running as a
service/daemon. As a result, specifying a file name only, without path information, could
cause the trace output file to be created in an unexpected location (e.g. in the root
directory on Linux systems).
Value Range: A valid file name for the platform in question
Default Value: timesynctrace.txt (OSS, Windows and Linux) or TSTRACE (Guardian),
located in the TimeSync program directory
Example: FileName = C:\TraceData\MyTrace.txt
HTMLFormat True | False
If True, trace records are written in HTML format for easy viewing in any web browser. If
False, trace records are written in plain text format.
Value Range: True or False
Default Value: False
Example: HTMLFormat = True
Mask <value>
Defines the trace mask to use. This mask is set by combining (adding together) values
from the trace mask table below. To trace more than one type of data, add the mask
values for the relevant types together. For example, to trace UDP data sent and UDP data
received, the mask would be 0x01000000 + 0x02000000 = 0x03000000. Possible mask
values are:
Trace Mask
Critical errors
Noncritical errors