HP e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 System Software Maintenance Manual (30216-90317)

332 AppendixH
Error Messages and Warnings
Common Modification Process Errors
Common Modification Process Errors
Throughout the activities described in Chapter 5 , “Modifying Your System,” several types
of messages may display. Below is a description of some of the more common error and
warning messages and a general description of the appropriate response to those
Disk Space Messages
At different stages, AUTOINST searches for required amounts of non-contiguous and
contiguous disk space. In the section “3.6 Estimating Disk Space” in Chapter 3 , “Planning
for Your Task,” you verified if you had sufficient disk space.
If however, AUTOINST cannot find sufficient non-contiguous disk space, it displays an
error message and terminates.
•IfAUTOINST cannot find sufficient contiguous disk space, it will display an error
message and prompt you whether to continue. You can continue while you are creating
the CSLT, but you must find the required contiguous disk space prior to applying the
CSLT. Refer to Appendix C , “Managing Disk Space,” for additional information on
clearing disk space.
AUTOINST Disk Space Messages
The following messages are generated by AUTOINST. While the operating system is
running, AUTOINST attempted to put files into a holding area in the install group prior to
calling SYSGEN to create a SLT.
Warning -- The Installer cannot find enough contiguous disk space
on LDEV #1 for UPDATE to update with the CSLT created by the
Installer. (INSTWARN #5)
You must create 60000 sectors of contiguous disk space on LDEV #1
BEFORE updating with the CSLT created by the Installer.
If you wish to continue with this installation and create the
disk space after the Installer is done (but before updating with
the CSLT) respond with ``YES'' to the following prompt. If you
wish to stop the Installer now to create the disk space, respond
with a ``NO''
Continue with the installation now and create disk space later >>
Warning -- The Installer cannot find enough contiguous disk space
on LDEV #1 for UPDATE to update with the CSLT created by the
Installer. (INSTWARN #5)
You must create 60000 sectors of contiguous disk space on LDEV #1
BEFORE updating with the CSLT created by the Installer.