HP XP7 Fast Snap User Guide (TK913-96003)

2. Selecting the S-VOLs and delete them.
The following is an example of how to create FS pairs of different configurations simultaneously.
In this example, one pair of two S-VOLs and another pair of one S-VOL are created simultaneously:
1. Specify 2 as the number of S-VOLs and select two P-VOLs.
By default, two pairs will be created, each with two S-VOLs.
2. Select an S-VOL and delete the S-VOL MU#1 of the second pair.
Delete the S-VOL so that you can create multiple pairs of different configurations.
Workflow for sharing volumes with Continuous Access Synchronous or Continuous
Access Journal
You can use Cnt Ac-S or Cnt Ac-J S-VOLs as FS P-VOLs.
Use the following workflow to share the volumes:
1. Create the Cnt Ac-S/Cnt Ac-J pair.
For more information:
About creating Cnt Ac-S pairs, see the HP XP7 Continuous Access Synchronous User
About creating Cnt Ac-J pairs, see the HP XP7 Continuous Access Journal User Guide
2. Create the FS pair.
Workflow for defining pairs to consistency groups when the host is down
If you use a RAID Manager command to create a pair that should be a target of the consistency
group pair-split and the host is down, the pair might not be defined in the group. The RAID Manager
command can be rejected.
If the command is rejected, use the following process to define the pair to the consistency group:
1. View a list of the consistency groups and locate the consistency group to which you want to
assign the pair.
For more information about how to view a list of consistency groups, see “Viewing consistency
group list (page 105).
2. Create a pair and define it to the consistency group.
For more information about how to create pairs and define them in a consistency groups, see
“Creating Fast Snap pairs (page 64).
72 Managing Fast Snap Pairs