HP XP7 Disk Array Configuration Guide (H6F56-96003)

Creating host groups
Assigning Fibre Channel adapter WWNs to host groups
Mapping volumes (LDEVs) to host groups (by assigning LUNs)
In XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Software, LUN mapping includes:
Configuring ports
Creating storage groups
Mapping volumes and WWN/host access permissions to the storage groups
For more information about LUN mapping, see the HP XP7 Provisioning for Open Systems User
or the XP7 Remote Web Console online help. Note the LUNs and their ports, WWNs, nicknames,
and LDEVs for later use in verifying host and device configuration.
IMPORTANT: A LUN assigned a number greater than FF is outside the accepted range of numbers
for a Windows server (00 to FE) and will not be recognized by the server or be visible for use.
Setting the host mode and host group mode for the disk array ports
After the disk array is installed, set the host mode for each host group that is configured on a disk
array port to match the host OS. Set the host mode using LUN Manager in the XP7 Remote Web
Console (shown) or XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Software. If these are not available,
the HP service representative can set the host mode using the SVP.
Installing and configuring the disk array 27