HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

NOTE: Status displays the execution result of the action specified for AC. If you specify f for AC
and execute the action, out of the devices registered in the disk configuration definition file, all
command devices that are registered in the storage system are displayed in the Command Device
Selection List panel. If you press the F3=Exit key to exit the Command Device Selection List panel,
Status in the Route Status panel displays the processing result of a command device information
query (Fnd,nn).
You can use the SELECT command in the Route Status panel. For details about how to use the
SELECT command, see “Command line commands” (page 11).
You can specify the following fields as a condition of the SELECT command.
TypeValue in fieldName of field
Character stringDevice Address Domain IDDADID
Character stringRoute labelLABEL
Hexadecimal numberAPIDAPID
Character stringStorage system serial numberSN
Hexadecimal numberNumber of the control unit to which the command device belongsCU
Hexadecimal numberCommand control address of the command deviceCCA
Hexadecimal numberDevice numberDEVN
Character stringVolume serial numberVOLSER
NOTE: If the field name is omitted, either of the following fields are set as the default:
In the Route Status panel displayed when the F10=DADInfo key is pressed: DADID
In the Route Status panel displayed when the F11=CCAInfo key is pressed: LABEL
Executing YKQRYDEV
When q is specified in the AC column in the Route Status panel, the YKQRYDEV command is
executed to display command device information. The Command Device Status panel will be
displayed. This panel will be also displayed when q is specified in the AC column in the Command
Device Selection List panel.
The Command Device Status panel is shown in the following diagrams:.
When registered to a storage system as a command device.
Setting Information
Command ===>
2008/03/11 19:00:13
Storage System Device Information
Model . . : USPV uCODE : 600243FF IFType : 2121
S/N . . . : 64051 SSID : 6800 CU . . : 00 CCA : 00
HostStatus : OFFLINE
Command Device Information
APID . . . : 7775
Copy Pair Information(s)
F1=Help F12=Cancel
Manage Route Panel (Route Management) 99