HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

Figure 12 Define Command Device Panel
Table 27 (page 48) describes the items in the Define Command Device panel.
Table 27 Contents of the Define Command Device panel
DAD ID to which the devices belong.DADID
Serial number of the storage system to which the devices belong.SN
If a command device has already been defined, information about the already-defined command device
appears. If a command device has not been defined, a blank appears for the CU and SSID items.
Specify an action.
s: Specify when selecting a command device to be used in the storage system. You can specify only
one command device.
the number of the control unit to which the command device belongs.CU
SSID of the control unit to which the command device belongs.SSID
Command control address of the command device.CCA
Device number of the command device.DEVN
Volume serial number of the command device.VOLSER
Select the command device in the displayed list.
You can use the LOCATE, SELECT, and SORT commands in the Define Command Device panel.
For details about how to use each command, see “Command line commands” (page 11).
48 ISPF panels