HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

Figure 6 Route Config Panel
Table 24 (page 43) describes the items in the Route Config panel.
Table 24 Contents of the Route Config panel
Specify an action.AC
s: Displays the list of storage systems included in the selected route list. The Route List
Information panel appears.
d— Deletes the route list ID
Route list IDRouteList ID
Route list definition files for the route list IDs that are not selected are also loaded. If there is an error in any of these route
list definition files and the Exception Message panel appears, you can edit a selected route list definition file by closing
the Exception Message panel.
Only the route list definition file is deleted when deleting the route list ID. The command device definition file is not
The route list definition is required when using the Remote DKC Control Function and the Cnt Ac-S
consistency preservation function. It defines routes between devices and command devices so that
these devices are available.
The route list ID list is displayed in the Route Config panel.
To create a route list ID, place the cursor on the field and press F5=Add.
Add Route List ID panel
In the Route Config panel, pressing the F5=Add key displays the Add Route List ID panel for setting
the route list ID.
The Add Route List ID panel to create a new route list is shown in Figure 7 (page 43).
Figure 7 Add Route List ID Panel
In the Add Route List ID panel, specify a route list ID using no more than 8 alphanumeric characters
or less. Do not use hyphens.
Discover/Define Configuration panel (configuration file definition) 43