HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

Applies to Business Copy for Mainframe.
Suspends in the QUICK mode.
The S-VOL can be read or written even when data is being copied. When this parameter is not
specified, the S-VOL can be read or written after data copying, and transition to the SUSPOP status
have finished. For details on what happens when the ATTIME parameter is specified for the NORMAL
ATTIME suspend function, see the HP XP7 Business Copy for Mainframe Systems User Guide: HP
XP24000 Disk Array, HP XP20000 Disk Array or the HP XP7 Business Copy for z/OS User Guide:
HP XP12000 Disk Array, HP XP10000 Disk Array, HP 200 Storage Virtualization System. When
the CAJ ATTIME suspend function is used, the method of performing suspensions used depends on
the specified ATOPT parameter.
Applies to Continuous Access Synchronous for Mainframe, Continuous Access Asynchronous for
Mainframe, and Continuous Access Journal for Mainframe.
When the copy direction is forward Places copy pairs in the SUSPOP status, so that the copy
direction goes from the primary site to the secondary site
after RESYNC. If this parameter is specified for Continuous
Access Asynchronous for Mainframe, the data
synchronization method during the suspension will be the
same as that used when the DRAIN parameter is specified.
If this parameter is specified for Continuous Access Journal
for Mainframe, the data synchronization method during the
suspension will be the same as that used when the FLUSH
parameter is specified.
When the copy direction is reverse Places copy pairs in the SWAPPING status, so that the copy
direction goes from the primary site to the secondary site
after RESYNC. If this parameter is specified for Continuous
Access Asynchronous for Mainframe or Continuous Access
Journal for Mainframe, the data synchronization method
during the suspension will be the same as that used when
the FLUSH parameter is specified.
Applies to Continuous Access Synchronous for Mainframe, Continuous Access Asynchronous for
Mainframe, and Continuous Access Journal for Mainframe.
When the copy direction is forward Places copy pairs in the SWAPPING status, so that the copy
direction goes from the secondary site to the primary site
after RESYNC. If this parameter is specified for Continuous
Access Asynchronous for Mainframe or Continuous Access
Journal for Mainframe, the data synchronization method
during the suspension will be the same as that used when
the FLUSH parameter is specified.
When the copy direction is reverse Places copy pairs in the SUSPOP status, so that the copy
direction goes from the secondary site to the primary site
after RESYNC. If this parameter is specified for Continuous
Access Asynchronous for Mainframe, the data
synchronization method during the suspension will be the
same as that used when the DRAIN parameter is specified.
If this parameter is specified for Continuous Access Journal
for Mainframe, the data synchronization method during the
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