HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

HANDLE(X'handle') ~ <8-digit hexadecimal number>
Specify the handle to be used to associate this request to an EMCS console interface that has
already been established. Specify the value returned in the YKCONMSG OP(OPEN) command's
completion message as the handle value.
In some configurations such as when BC and CA share volumes or a 1 to n (n is greater than
1) configuration of BC, the status transitions of each copy pair might not be correctly monitored.
When using a copy pair on a remote site (a site that is not channel-connected directly from
the local host), there are the following restrictions:
Even if a copy pair status changes, the IEA494I message is not displayed on the MVS
console. Thus, the YKCONMSG command cannot monitor status transitions of a copy pair
on a remote site.
The IOSHM0414I message or user-specified messages are not displayed on the MVS
console even when a HyperSwap is completed. Consequently, the YKCONMSG command
cannot monitor the completion of HyperSwaps of a copy pair at a remote site.
When using a CAJ copy pair, even if the copy pair status changes, the IEA494I message
is not displayed on the MVS console. Thus, the YKCONMSG command cannot monitor the status
transitions of the CAJ copy pair.
The YKCONMSG command cannot monitor Non Gen'ed volumes.
Return Codes
Table 100 (page 190) lists the return codes to be returned when the YKCONMSG command terminates.
Table 100 YKCONMSG Command Return Code List
MeaningReturn Code
The module cannot be loaded. Possible causes are as follows:-3
The library dataset has not been linked.
APF grant has not been registered.
The module is protected by the RACF program control function.
An interruption occurred during execution.-1
Open processing terminated normally.0
Message specified by the MSGID parameter was returned (IEA494I message if
the MSGID parameter was omitted).
Although the system waited for the number of seconds specified for the TIMEOUT
parameter, no message was found.
Message lost since previous invocation.4
Close successful.6
Invalid parameter.8
System error.9
Applies to CMD.
190 CLI Commands