HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

parameters of the YKWATCH command is displayed. The value is used as a background job for
submitting. JCL uses a value indicated in the Set Defaults panel.
Figure 83 (page 161) shows the Watch Options panel.
Figure 83 Watch Options Panel
“Contents of the Watch Options Panel” (page 161) describes the items in the Watch Options panel.
Table 82 Contents of the Watch Options Panel
Copy group IDCopy Group ID
Specify the waiting status for the YKWATCH command by using the number.Watch transition to
Duplex: Waits for the volume to change to the DUPLEX status.
Suspend: Waits for the volume to change to the SUSPEND status.
Simplex: Waits for the volume to change to the SIMPLEX status.
Specify the value for the TIMEOUT parameter (timeout value) in hour (0 to 999999).Timeout Hours
Specify the value for the TIMEOUT parameter (timeout value) in minute (0 to 9999).Timeout Minutes
Specify the USER, OPERATOR, or CN parameter of the YKWATCH command.SEND Option
The sum total of the values specified in Timeout Hours and Timeout Minutes is specified for the TIMEOUT parameter
(timeout value) of the YKWATCH command. If the sum total value exceeds 16,666,666 minutes, execution of the command
results in an error.
NOTE: In some configurations, such as when BC and CA share volumes or a 1 to n (n is greater
than 2) configuration of BC, the status transitions of each copy pair might not be correctly monitored.
Executing YKEWAIT
If e is specified in the AC column in the Manage Copy Groups panel, the YKEWAIT command will
be executed and the Wait Options panel for specifying the parameters of the YKEWAIT command
is displayed.
Figure 84 (page 162) and Figure 85 (page 162) show the Wait Options panel.
Manage Copy Groups Panel (Copy Group Operation) 161