HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Reference Guide (TK954-96004)

For Pri-SN and Sec-SN, information acquired from the storage system is displayed. If the copy
direction is opposite to the direction specified in the copy group definition file, the secondary
and primary storage system serial numbers in the copy group definition file are shown in order
for Pri-SN and Sec-SN.
The columns where information is not acquired by storage system and the columns for copy
groups that contain a copy pair whose copy type is not CAJ might display N/A because the
values for those columns are not guaranteed.
When you display the data transfer rate of CAJ containing an XP24000 disk array, XP P9500
disk array, or XP7 storage in this panel, it is necessary that the Usage monitor for the control
unit (to which the journal volume used by the copy group definition file belongs) was started
from Remote Web Console, and that the data capture interval of this Usage monitor is 10
minutes or less.
The storage system serial number displays the value set in the configuration file.
If an operation is performed on each copy pair or the copy pair directions in the copy group
are mixed, the value for the copy group cannot be guaranteed because the copy pair direction
statuses in the copy group do not match. Match the copy pair statuses and copy pair directions
in the copy group and then re-execute.
Information on the secondary site and the data transfer rate between the primary storage
system and the secondary storage system cannot be obtained from the delta resync pair.
Therefore, N/A is displayed for the secondary site items, and the transfer rate between the
primary storage system and the secondary storage system.
You can use the LOCATE and SORT commands in the CAJ Copy Group Performance Statistics
panel. For details about how to use each command, see “Command line commands” (page 11).
You can specify the following fields for a sort key of the SORT command:
DirectionSorted byName of field
AscendingConsistency group ID of the primary journal group in the copy group definition fileCTID
AscendingConsistency group ID of the secondary journal group in the copy group definition
AscendingSerial number of the storage system for Pri-SNPSN
AscendingSerial number of the storage system for Sec-SNSSN
AscendingData transfer rate between Pri-SN and Sec-SN (KB/s)TRANS
AscendingMetadata usage rate of the journal group for Pri-SNPJNLMETR
AscendingMetadata usage rate of the journal group for Sec-SNSJNLMETR
AscendingJournal data usage rate for the journal group for Pri-SNPJNLDATR
AscendingJournal data usage rate for the journal group for Sec-SNSJNLDATR
AscendingCapacity that can be used as journal data for Pri-SN (in GB))PJNLDATC
AscendingCapacity that can be used as journal data for Sec-SN (in GB)SJNLDATC
Sort CAJ Copy Group Statistics Panel
Pressing F6=Sort in the CAJ Copy Group Performance Statistics panel displays the Sort CAJ Copy
Group Statistics panel, allowing you to specify the sort order.
Figure 66 (page 124) shows the Sort CAJ Copy Group Statistics panel.
Manage Copy Groups Panel (Copy Group Operation) 123