HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide (TK954-96002)

NOTE: Business Continuity Manager and Tiered Storage Manager for Mainframe share a user
SVC. Therefore, if Tiered Storage Manager for Mainframe is installed on the system, make sure
that Tiered Storage Manager for Mainframe is not running before deleting the user SVC.
Removing the concatenation of the cataloged procedures library
Remove the dataset concatenation of the following library:
Library namedd name
Cataloged procedures library HPQYPRCTIEFPDSI
If you copied the HPQYPRCT library members to a user PROCLIB, delete the copied members.
Removing the concatenation of the REXX Exec library and the libraries used by ISPF interface
Remove the dataset concatenation of the following libraries:
Library namedd name
REXX Exec librarySYSEXEC
In an environment in which the DBCS functionality is used, remove dataset concatenation from the
following libraries:
Library namedd name
Removing the concatenation of the load library
Remove the load library for LINKLIB (HPQYLNKT) concatenated to LNKLST. Also, remove the
load library for LPALIB (HPQYLPAT) concatenated to LPALST.
Upgrading Business Continuity Manager
Install the post-migration Business Continuity Manager as described in “Overview of installation
(page 13).
If the version of the user SVC which is in effect in the current system satisfies the conditions placed
on the version required by Business Continuity Manager, you do not need to perform the procedure
described in “Registering a user SVC” (page 29). For versions of user SVC that are required by
Business Continuity Manager, see (page 47).
If the pre-migration licenses can be used and no licenses need to be added, you do not need to
perform the procedure described in “Registering a license” (page 37).
What to check after upgrading
After upgrading the post-migration Business Continuity Manager, make sure that the post-upgrade
settings are the same as those checked in “What to check before upgrading” (page 43).
Upgrading Business Continuity Manager 45