HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide (TK954-96002)

2. From the PC and using ASCII, transfer the following sample JCL to a host machine:
Dataset creating sample JCL (ALLOUPLD.JCL)
TSO/E RECEIVE processing sample JCL (RECVUPLD.JCL)
3. Edit the JCL transferred in step 2 to match your installation environment.
For details, see the header comments in the JCLs. For modification examples, see “Modifying
sample JCL” (page 83).
4. Create space for the datasets to be transferred (execute the edited ALLOUPLD job).
The ALLOUPLD job creates the sequential dataset space for transferring the Business Continuity
Manager object archive to the host machine.
For examples of modifying sample JCL (ALLOUPLD), see ALLOUPLD (creating transmission
datasets)” (page 83).
5. Transfer the Business Continuity Manager object archive from the PC to the host machine.
From the PC, in binary mode, transfer the Business Continuity Manager object archive to the
sequential dataset space on the host machine that you created in step 4.
For details about the archive files to be transmitted, see Table 6 (page 14).
6. Perform TSO/E RECEIVE processing (execute the edited RECVUPLD job).
Execute the RECVUPLD job modified in accordance with the installation environment, and
extract the datasets provided from the archives transmitted in step 5.
For examples of modifying sample JCL (RECVUPLD), see “RECVUPLD (TSO/E RECEIVE
processing)” (page 85).
Business Continuity Manager is ready to be installed using SMP/E as described in “Installing
Business Continuity Manager with SMP/E” (page 20), or by the simple installation as described
in “Simple installation (installation without SMP/E)” (page 21).
Installing Business Continuity Manager
Business Continuity Manager installation involves multiple steps. Use SMP/E or simple installation
to complete the installation.
Installing Business Continuity Manager with SMP/E
These sample JCL library members that are installed with SMP/E must be modified in accordance
with the user installation environment. Details are shown at the beginning of each sample JCL. For
modification examples, see “Modifying sample JCL” (page 83).
The storage locations for the sample jobs are included:
When installed from the installation tape
The sample JCL is stored in a dataset at the destination for the copy operation described in
section “Preparations for installing Business Continuity Manager from a tape” (page 19).
When installed from CD-ROM.
The sample JCL is stored in the HP.CHYLnnn.F1 dataset (the nnn portion varies depending
on the version) after the procedure in “Preparations for installing Business Continuity Manager
from a tape” (page 19) is performed. If you change the RECVUPLD job and the output
destination dataset name for the TSO/E RECEIVE command, the sample JCL is stored in the
dataset after the changes.
JCL member names and their functions are listed below. To install the Business Continuity Manager
product with SMP/E, execute the sample jobs below in the following order:
20 Installing Business Continuity Manager