HP XP7 Business Continuity Manager Installation Guide (TK954-96002)

DBCS double byte character set
Delta Resync A method used in a 3DC Multi-Target configuration to synchronize a predefined delta resync
pair (a UR pair consisting of a local site volume and a remote site volume) by copying only the
differences between the volumes in the pair.
Delta Resync pair A UR copy pair for performing Delta Resync. This copy pair is either in HOLD, HOLDTRNS,
HOLDER, or NODELTA status.
device address A unique number assigned to each device in the LCU. When combined with the LCU number,
provides a unique identifier for a volume in the storage system. Also known as the unit number
or unit address.
device address
domain ID
(DAD ID) An identifier for a Device Address Domain in Business Continuity Manager.
DEVN A device number used by a mainframe host to manage storage volumes
management unit
A unit for managing differential data between a P-VOL and S-VOL. For TC and TCA, track or
cylinder can be specified as the difference management unit.
differential copy A copy of a database consisting only of the differences in the database since the last full copy.
differential data
Rate of the difference between the contents of a P-VOL and those of an S-VOL. A P-VOL and an
S-VOL form a copy pair
disaster recovery
This function disconnects the primary site copy pair from the secondary site copy pair and tests
the secondary site to determine if the DR configuration is operating normally. When the test ends,
you must resynchronize the primary site with the secondary site.
DISPLAY command An operator command used to display the status of BCM Monitor. You can specify this command
in the MODIFY command to display the current valid value of the parameter in the YKMONOPT
or YKMONCG file and the commands that are waiting to be executed.
DKC disk controller
DKC serial number In the HP XP7 Storage, HP XP P9000 Disk Array, and HP XP12000/XP10000 Disk Array, a
number is assigned to each storage system (physical DKC serial number). In the HP
XP24000/XP20000 Disk Array, a number is assigned to each logical DKC (logical DKC serial
DLIB distribution libraries
DSB device status byte
DSORG data set organization
dummy device
A temporary device number assigned to a device detected by using the remote scan or NG scan
edit mode A startup mode option for Business Continuity Manager agents. If you start a Business Continuity
Manager agent in the edit mode, you can define, operate, or monitor copy groups from Replication
Manager software.
entry A DKC or command device that the route passes through
setting command
A command used for setting the environment of Business Continuity Manager, which is called by
using the START command of the OS. The environment setting command includes the YKALCSVC,
YKSETENV, and YKDSPENV commands.
EXCTG Extended consistency group. When URs are in a 4x4 configuration, consistency can be preserved
between volumes on multiple DKCs. This group, which maintains volume consistency, is called
an Extended Consistency Group.
EXCTG information
CSV file
A CSV file in which EXCTG information in a 4x4 configuration copy group container is described
external dataset A sequential dataset for the log data output from the system logger service
failback See failover .