HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

The following special characters cannot be used in backup comments:
\ / ` | < > " * ? & ; ( ) $
Note that the first character must not be a hyphen (-). If you specify two double quotation marks after
the -comment option, as in -comment "", no backup comment will be registered in the backup
-vf VSS-definition-file-name
Specify this option to switch the settings to be used for each VSS backup. You can use this option
only when using VSS for backup. For VSS-definition-file-name, specify a file name only. Do
not specify the folder name. The VSS definition file specified in this option must be stored in the
following folder:
If you omit this option, the command uses the following file as the VSS definition file:
For details about VSS definition files, see the HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application
Agent CLI User Guide.
-script user-script-file-name
Specify this option to execute a user script. Use an absolute path to specify
user-script-file-name. The conditions for specifying user-script-file-name are as
Maximum number of bytes: 255
Available characters: Characters that can be used in a file name in Windows. If the name contains
one or more space characters, the entire name string must be enclosed in double quotation marks
For details about the coding used for a user script file, see the description of how to create a user
script in the HP P9000 Replication Manager Software Application Agent CLI User Guide.
If you specified LOCATION=REMOTE in the user script file, you must also specify the -s option.
-s backup-server-name
Specify this option to connect to a remote backup server to perform a backup. Specify the host name
or the IP address of the backup server by using a character string of up to 255 bytes. You can specify
the IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
If you specify a backup server by using the -s option, the backup server names specified in the VSS
definition file (vsscom.conf) and in the VSS definition file specified by using the -vf option are
ignored, and the backup server name specified by using the -s option is used.
Specify this option to automatically transfer a backup catalog to a backup server after backing up a
volume. This option must be specified concurrently with the -s option.
-auto_mount mount-point-directory-name
Specify this option to automatically mount a secondary volume on a backup server after backing up
a volume. This option must be specified concurrently with the -s and -auto_import options.
Specify mount-point-directory-name by using a character string of up to 64 bytes.
If you omit the mount-point-directory-name parameter, the mount destination for the secondary
volume is automatically determined. This destination is determined in the same way as when using
the drmmount command without specifying a mount point.
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 89