6.0.2 HP IBRIX X9000 Storage Release Notes (AW549-96044, January 2013)
xattr value ibrix.virtual.retention_state, Operation not supported, or
Error recovering attributes.
• The ibrix_vs_snap command cannot delete a block snapshot file system that is enabled for
data retention. Instead, use the ibrix_fs command with the -R option. For example:
ibrix_fs -d -f block_snap_ifs2_1 -R
Segment evacuation
• The segment evacuator cannot evacuate segments in a READONLY or BROKEN state.
• If data is written to a very large file during evacuation of the segment containing the file, the
writing process might experience an I/O error and terminate prematurely.
• The segment evacuation process aborts if a segment contains chunk files; these files have chunks
in more than one segment. You will need to move chunk files manually. The evacuation process
generates a log reporting all chunk files on the segment. The log file is saved in the management
console log directory (the default is /usr/local/ibrix/log) and is named Rebalance_<job
ID>-<FS-ID>.info (for example, Rebalance_29-ibfs1.info). Following is an example
of the log file:
070390:0518545 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | collect counters from segment 3
070391:0520272 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 not migrated chunks 1
<this line shows the segment has 1 chunk>
070391:0520285 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 not migrated replicas 0 070391:
0520290 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 not migrated files 0
070391:0520294 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 not migrated directories 0
070391:0520298 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 not migrated root 0
070391:0520302 | <INFO> | 3075611536 | segment 3 chunk: inode inum 300000017
(29B3A23C), poid hi64 300000017 (29B3A23C), primary 500000017 <this line
shows information about the chunk>
Run the inum2name command to identify the symbolic name of the chunk file:
root@centos bin]# ./inum2name --fsname=ibfs 500000017
After obtaining the name of the file, use a command such as cp to move the file manually. Then
run the segment evacuation process again.
• When Symantec NetBackup is used, a full backup job fails for a file system with large directory
tree. To correct this, set TYPE=tar in the Backup Selections tab in Symantec NetBackup. This
changes the backup type to tar instead of the default dump and forces NetBackup to handle the
file-based NDMP file history.
Ibrix Collect
• If collection does not start after a node recovers from a system crash, check the /var/crash/
<timestamp> directory to determine whether the vmcore is complete. Ibrix Collect does not
process incomplete vmcores. Also check /usr/local/ibrix/log/ibrixcollect/
kdumpcollect.log for any errors.
• If the status of a collection is Partially_collected, typically the management console service
was not running or there was not enough space available in the /local disk partition on the
node where the collection failed. To determine the exact cause of a failure during collection, see
the following logs:
◦ /usr/local/ibrix/log/fusionserver.log
◦ /usr/local/ibrix/log/ibrixcollect/ibrixcollect.py.log
14 Workarounds