6.0 HP StorageWorks X9000 File Serving Software Release Notes (TA768-96042, October 2011)

Remote replication
The following changes have been made in this release:
The remote replication commands have been renamed. Be sure to update any scripts using the
old names. Event messages still refer to remote replication as CFR.
The ibrix_cfrjob command has been renamed ibrix_crr. The new -X option specifies
an exported directory on the target and is used only for remote cluster replication. Previously,
-P was used for this purpose. The -P option is now used to specify an arbitrary target
directory and applies to both same cluster and remote cluster replication.
The ibrix_export_cfr command has been renamed ibrix_crr_export. There are
no other changes.
The ibrix_exportcfrpreference command has been renamed ibrix_crr_nic.
Export preferences are now referred to as server assignments.
The GUI has been modified to simplify starting replication and to simplify selecting and modifying
server and NIC assignments for remote replication exports.
CRR now supports Run-Once replication of a file system snapshot. The GUI must be used for this
CRR now supports specifying an optional target directory. For same-cluster replications, the target
directory is a subdirectory under the target file system. For remote replications, the target directory
is either a subdirectory under the target file system or a subdirectory under the target file system
and exported directory.
When you specify a source directory for a Run-Once replication (using the ibrix_crr S
option) , the files under the source directory are replicated without replicating the source directory
path. The root of the replica on the target is based strictly on the configured target file system,
the configured target exported directory (remote cluster only), and the optional target directory.
Source directory: /srcFS/a/b/c
Exported file system and exported directory on the target: /destFS/1/2/3
You can configure a replication that does not include an additional target directory. The replication
command is:
ibrix_crr s o f srFs S a/b/c C tcluster F destFs X 1/2/3
The contents of /srcFS/a/b/c is replicated to destFs/1/2/3/{contents_under_c}.
When the command includes the -P option to specify the target directory a/b/c:
ibrix_crr s o f srcFs S a/b/c C tcluster F destFs X 1/2/3 P
The replication now goes to /destFs/1/2/3/a/b/c{contents_under_c}.
NOTE: CRR does not support replicating from any 5.x cluster to a 6.0 cluster, or from a 6.0 cluster
to any 5.x cluster.
6 New features