HP VMA SAN Gateway Users Guide For Release G5.5.1

AM456-9026A HP VMA SAN Gateway Users Guide 169
Generate a debugging dump. The dump can then be manipulated using the file debug-dump
family of commands.
This section provides the syntax for system statistics commands, along with an explanation of the
functionality of each command.
stats clear
stats clear-all
stats sample <sample ID> clear
stats chd <CHD ID> clear
stats alarm <alarm ID> clear
Clear all memory of the specified sample, computed historical data-point (CHD), or alarm, or of all
of those together. Clearing a sample or CHD deletes all of the gathered data. Clearing an alarm
resets it to a non-error state, clears the watermarks, and forgets the event history.
stats sample <sample ID> interval <poll interval time in seconds>
Change the amount of time between samples for the specified group of sample data.
stats alarm
[no] stats alarm <alarm ID> enable
Enable or disable the specified alarm. There are three alarms that can be enabled or disabled:
cpu_util_indiv (CPU utilization too high), paging (paging activity too high), and fs_mnt (file
system low on free space).
stats alarm <alarm ID> rising error-threshold <threshold>
stats alarm <alarm ID> rising clear-threshold <threshold>
stats alarm <alarm ID> falling error-threshold <threshold>
stats alarm <alarm ID> falling clear-threshold <threshold>
Change the thresholds which will initiate or terminate (clear) the specified alarm. New alarms
cannot be added through this interface, only existing ones can be changed.
The units for the
cpu_util_indiv alarm are hundredths of a point of the one-minute load
average. For example, setting it to 100 will cause an alarm if the one-minute load average is ever
over 1.0 when it is sampled.
The units for the
paging alarm are number of pages read from or written to the swap partition. The
alarm is on the amount of paging activity that has occurred over the past 20 seconds.