HP VMA SAN Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide For release G5.5.1

AM456-9025A HP VMA SAN Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide 19
Gather the following information for each SAN Gateway node in preparation for the setup wizard.
Information Notes
Public Interface IP address
Public Interface Netmask
Global Default Gateway
DNS Server Names
(DNS server names in use at site)
Domain Name
(site domain name)
(should have mg-a as part of the name)
Admin Password
Set Clock Time Zone
Zone to Use
(set a specific time zone, or pick UTC)
NTP Server Name
(IP address of the site’s NTP server)
Email Notification Recipients
(email addresses of people to receive VMA
Memory system support e-mails)
Email Mailhub
(IP address for the SMTP server, or
resolvable name for the site)
Email Mailhub Port
(typically 25, but verify for your site)
Enable HP Support?
Cluster Interface Name (for standalone
gateway, eth1. For redundant gateway, local
Cluster ID
(this name is preloaded)
Cluster Name
(choose a meaningful name)
Table 2.2 Software Configuration Checklist