Configuring a Redundant Pair of VMA SAN Gateways - Process Guide

Verify Primary Gateway Network and Array Operation
Verify that the reliable network configuration changes are in effect and working. You can verify the
Cluster interface and Management IP using the ‘show cluster global’ command.
hp-gateway1 [hp-redundant1: master] (config) # show cluster global
Cluster ID: 00500-0008-6090
Cluster name: hp-redundant1
Management IP:
Cluster master IF: eth0
Cluster node count: 1
Node Status:
Node ID: 1 <--- (local node)
Host ID: 9dc17977dad7
Hostname: hp-gateway1
Node Role: master
Node State: online
Node internal address:, port: 60102
Node external address:
Recv. Heartbeats from: -1
Send Heartbeats to: -1
hp-gateway1 [hp-redundant1: master] (config) #
Note that the displayed ‘cluster node count’ will continue to be ‘1’ until the ‘secondary’ gateway is
configured and pairs with the ‘primary’ gateway.
Save Primary Gateway Configuration
Save the configurations made on the ‘primary’ gateway so that they will be persistent. This can be
performed using either the VMA SAN Gateway CLI interface or the web interface:
If using the CLI interface, issue the ‘write memory’ command
If using the web interface, click on the red ‘Commit Changes’ button at the top center of the
Configure the Secondary Gateway
For this portion of the redundant pairing process, the ‘secondary’ VMA SAN Gateway will be
configured and the software OE updated. The ‘secondary’ gateway should still be shutdown with
power disconnected at this time.
IMPORTANT: the ‘primary’ gateway must remain up and running during the ‘secondary’ gateway
configuration and pairing process as it contains the vSHARE configuration that will be replicated to
the secondary gateway being added into the redundant gateway pair. If both gateways were
powered down and brought back up, the ‘primary’ gateway could possibly take on the empty
configuration of the new gateway and the desired configuration (port presentations, LUN
configuration, etc.) would be lost.
Validate Secondary Gateway Hardware Configuration
Review the hardware configuration of the ‘secondary’ gateway to ensure that it has the same number
of FC HBAs and PCIe Pass-Thru cards and that each is in the same identical I/O slot as on the
‘primary’ gateway. Install any PCIe Pass-Thru cards and move any I/O cards as required to be