Configuring a Redundant Pair of VMA SAN Gateways - Process Guide

Starting with two new (or previously fully de-configured) gateways and forming a redundant
gateway pair with two new (or previously initialized) VMA Arrays.
Adding a new (or previously fully de-configured) gateway to an existing (configured)
standalone gateway configuration to form a redundant gateway pair.
Have two existing stand-alone gateways, each with only one connected array, and wish to
use these two gateways to form a redundant pair with two dually connected arrays. Note
that in this case one of the existing gateway configurations will be used as the ‘primary’
gateway and the other gateway and array will be re-initialized to add in as though new.
Determine which of the above scenarios match your situation and perform the appropriate steps
according to the subsection below that is applicable to your scenario. Upon completion of the
appropriate subsection, you should have established which gateway will be the ‘primary’ and which
will be the ‘secondary’ gateway in the redundant gateway pair.
Starting with two new VMA SAN Gateways
With this scenario, you will follow all the steps below in order to select one gateway to become the
primary gateway and configure it with initial settings. The VMA Arrays, up to two, will also need to
be connected and initialized as part of preparation for this scenario.
Of the two new VMA SAN gateways, select which gateway will be the ‘primary’ gateway for the
redundant pair. A unique vSHARE license key and Cluster ID have been pre-configured with every HP
VMA SAN Gateway; however, for redundant gateway pairs you will later use the Cluster ID on this
primary gateway to later prepare the secondary gateway for introduction into the redundant pair.
Note that each gateway must always retain their unique vSHARE license key.
First step is to configure the designated ‘primary’ VMA SAN Gateway with all the intended (maximum
two) VMA arrays connected to it as a stand-alone/mastergateway. The process of installing the
VMA PCIe Pass-Thru cards and connecting up to two VMA Arrays to the VMA SAN Gateway is the
same as with the initial G5.0.2 release of the VMA SAN Gateway (G5.0.2). It is recommended that
any VMA PCIe Pass Thru cards required for VMA Array connectivity to the gateway is installed in I/O
slots # 1 and 4 (in that order) of the VMA SAN Gateway at this time.
Follow the setup instructions in theConfiguring the Master VMA SAN Gateway’ subsection of the ‘HP
VMA-series SAN Gateway Installation and User Guide’, P/N AM456-9007B-Rev 2’ for details on
how to configure a standalone VMA SAN Gateway and connect the VMA Arrays.
See Figure 3 below for examples of supported standalone gateway configurations with one or two
arrays showing correct cabling before secondary gateway is added
This first VMA SAN Gateway will be initially configured as ‘master/stand-alone’ and will become the
‘primary’ gateway of the redundant gateway pair when the redundant gateway deployment process
is completed. For initial network configuration of the primary gateway of a redundant pair use the
VMA SAN Gateway configuration wizard or the ‘configuration jump-start’ command to set the
following network settings:
configure eth1 as the public interface name (default)
configure the Public interface IP address with the IP address that will be used for management
of this primary gateway
configure the cluster interface name to be the VLAN name, such as vlan14, as determined in
the IP Address Definition step above. The actual VLAN will be established in a later step.