STM: Tutorial
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STM Tutorial: Logs
Most of the time you will get the information you need by looking at the status of device icons on the system map. In
xstm, a device icon is green for Successful and red for Failure. In mstm and cstm, device status is reported with a text
label, such as "Successful" or "Failed".
If necessary, however, you can get more information by looking at the logs.
Failure Log
If a device has a Failure, consult the device Tool Failure Log for the last active tool. This log gives likely causes for the
failure and suggests possible actions. (If no Failure has occurred, no Failure Log will exist.)
To view a Failure Log, first select the device(s) affected, then choose the appropriate command:
xstm: Tools | Name_of_Tool_Detecting_Failure | Failure Log
mstm: Tools | Name_of_Tool_Detecting_Failure | Failure Log
infofailog, verfaillog, diagfaillog, exerfaillog, fwupdatefaillog, expfaillog, or utilfaillog.
For example, in mstm, you select the Failure Log as in the following screen display:
This is the Failure Log for an Info Tool run on the device at path 32.9.0):