Logtool Specifications

Hewlett-Packard STM: Logtool ERS * Revision 1.17
- Page 12 - Printed: 02/04/99 3:38 PM
3. User Interface
Logtool commands allow the user to easily search a computer system’s I/O and memory
error log files. The User Interface is designed with usability as a foremost concern which
means it strives to be as intuitive as possible while also providing as much capability as
3.1. Logtool Commands
In an effort to keep Logtool simple for the user, only four command categories
(called menus) exist. The following table shows the four categories of Logtool
commands arranged as one menu per column.
File View Filters Memory
Select Raw... Raw Summary Format... Clear Log
Format Raw... Raw Log Display--> Set Timer...
Select Formatted... Formatted Summary Report Log-->
Switch Log Formatted Log
Save As...
In the above table, note that some commands have an ellipse (...) after them. This
signifies that if one of these commands is selected, a dialog screen of some type will
be presented before anything is actually done. For example, if Select Raw is chosen,
the user will be asked for the raw file name before a file is actually selected. Also
note that some commands have an arrow next to them, indicating that there is more
than one command to choose from. These commands are available via a cascade
menu. The commands available in each cascade menu are shown in the following
Report Log
View Dealloc
View Detail