HP Integrity Virtual Server Manager 6.0 User Guide

Balance VM Host workloads
Optimize physical resource utilization
Online migration of virtual machines enables a higher level of workload-to-resource alignment,
flexibility, and agility.
Reasons for migrating a virtual machine offline include the need to:
Move a stopped virtual machine's configuration information
Save VM Host resources while migrating virtual machines (for example, memory and CPUs
are not consumed during offline migration)
Copy local storage, logical volumes, or file-backed storage to the target VM Host (such storage
cannot be migrated online)
Migrate a virtual machine between VM Hosts that might have different processor types, making
online migration impossible
The Migrate Virtual Machine wizard is started by selecting ToolsMigrate Virtual Machine... from
the VM Manager menu bar. The menu item is enabled from the VM Properties view, from which
you can migrate the one viewed virtual machine, or from a tab on which one or more virtual
machines are selected, such as the VM Host Virtual Machines tab, from which you can migrate
multiple virtual machines at the same time. For more information about starting the wizard, see
“Starting the Migrate Virtual Machine wizard” (page 90).
The Migrate Virtual Machine wizard guides you through a two-step procedure. The screen for the
first step prompts you to specify the target VM Host. The screen for the second step allows you to
preview the HP Integrity Virtual Machine commands that will be invoked to initiate the migration
and allows you to initiate the migration.
Using the Migrate Virtual Machine wizard, you can migrate virtual machines from the VM Host
you are currently using with VM Manager to another VM Host; you cannot use the wizard to
migrate virtual machines from another VM Host to the current VM Manager VM Host.
While a virtual machine is being migrated to another VM Host, you cannot stop, start, restart,
modify, or delete that virtual machine. You can continue using VM Manager for other purposes.
NOTE: If the virtual machine is configured as a Serviceguard package, the wizard allows you
to migrate the virtual machine online or offline. However, you cannot migrate a virtual machine
that is configured as a Serviceguard cluster node.
When migrating a virtual machine that is configured as a Serviceguard package, Serviceguard
protection is suspended temporarily during the migration.
Capacity Advisor cannot collect utilization information for a virtual machine that is being migrated.
For more information about Serviceguard and Capacity Advisor requirements and recommendations
pertaining to virtual machine migration, see “Planning requirements and recommendations
(page 88).
Planning requirements and recommendations
Successful migration of a virtual machine requires that the source and target hosts be configured
appropriately. If they are configured properly before migration of a virtual machine, the migration
task completes more quickly. Configuration requirements for online migration are more elaborate
than for offline migration.
88 Working with virtual machines