Extracting Resource Allocation Data for Chargeback in a HP Virtual Server Environment for HP Integrity Servers

In this output, the leaf workloads of the environment are easily identified. The Other workloads
(va01sv.zko.hp.com.OTHER, va02cm.zko.hp.com.OTHER) and intermediate workloads (va00-cplx,
va01sv, va02cm) in the hierarchy typically are not associated with an end user.
CLI: gwlmreport config command
The output from the gwlmreport tool with the config flag contains a subsection listing workloads
in the environment. For example:
CMS # gwlmreport config
Generating historical config report.
Please be patient. This may take several minutes.
Current Configuration
#### Config Date: 2007/09/21 16:06:39 EDT