HPjmeter 4.3 User's Guide

Figure 62 GC Metric: Duration
Related Topics
Using Visualizer Tool Bars (page 201)
Changing Time Interval in GC Data Visualizers (page 206)
Basic Garbage Collection Concepts (page 103)
Identifying Excessive Calls to System.gc() (page 51) (available in monitoring mode)
Cumulative Allocation
This visualizer shows the cumulative amount of storage for new objects requested by the application
over time, which can indicate the overall progress of the application. Because the rate at which
an application creates new objects is often an indicator of its performance, changes in the slope
of this curve may indicate opportunities for tuning garbage collection.
To see a more dramatic presentation of incremental changes in object creation, see the Creation
Rate (page 184) visualizer.
Note that storage recovered by the garbage collector for unused objects is not deducted from the
cumulative amount.
Using Specialized Garbage Collection Displays 183