HPjmeter 4.3 User's Guide

Displaying large reference graphs puts a lot of stress on the underlying Swing components, so
please be patient when dealing with huge heap dumps.
Related Topics
Mark an Item for Search (page 203)
Find a Search Pattern (page 204)
Class Loaders (page 173)
Reference Sub-Trees by Size
This visualizer shows the cluster of objects that are directly or indirectly referenced from the root
of the tree, along with the cumulative size of all the references.
This metric is similar to Reference Graph Tree, with the following differences:
You can see the amount of memory allocated to a sub-tree (a node and its contents) as well
as to the node itself. The memory held by the node appears in parentheses ( ), and the memory
held by the sub-tree appears in brackets [ ].
The table on the right side displays object and primitive values for any selected node object
in the tree.
In Figure 53, an object of type VecTest3 is selected in the tree. The table on the right is showing
the Attributes tab, which displays a list of the non-static fields in the object.
Figure 53 Reference Sub-Trees by Size Visualizer Attributes table
NOTE: The symbol // indicates a reference for which memory occupied has already been
counted elsewhere in the tree, and therefore, it is not included in the memory held by the parent
node of this particular reference.
170 Using Visualizer Functions