Veritas Storage Foundation 5.1 SP1 Cluster File System Administrator"s Guide (5900-1738, April 2011)
To migrate from server-based fencing to disk-based fencing
Make sure system-to-system communication is functioning properly.
Make sure that the Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA cluster is
# vxfenadm -d
For example, if Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA cluster uses
server-based fencing:
I/O Fencing Cluster Information:
Fencing Protocol Version: 201
Fencing Mode: Customized
Fencing Mechanism: cps
Cluster Members:
* 0 (galaxy)
1 (nebula)
RFSM State Information:
node 0 in state 8 (running)
node 1 in state 8 (running)
Make sure that you performed the following preparatory tasks to configure
disk-based fencing:
■ Identifying disks to use as coordinator disks
■ Setting up coordinator disk group
■ Creating I/O configuration files
See the Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System Installation Guide for
the procedures.
Create a new /etc/vxfenmode.test file with the fencing configuration
changes such as the scsi3 disk policy information.
Refer to the sample vxfenmode files in the /etc/vxfen.d folder.
From any node in the Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA cluster,
start the vxfenswap utility:
# vxfenswap -g diskgroup [-n]
Review the message that the utility displays and confirm whether you want
to commit the change.
Administering Storage Foundation Cluster File System and its components
Administering I/O Fencing