VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide
ISP Language Definition
You can define the following objects using the VERITAS Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP)
specification language:
◆ Capability
◆ Volume Template
◆ User Template
◆ Storage Pool
◆ Template Set
◆ Storage Pool Set
◆ Volume Group
Note the following points with regard to the syntax of the language:
◆ Each object category, such as capability, template, user template and storage pool and
capability has its own name space. This means that a capability and a template can have the
same name, but two capabilities cannot have the same name.
◆ All keywords are case insensitive.
◆ The primitive types are:
boolean Possible values are true or false.
guid_string String identifier for a GUI element.
int Short signed integer.
long Long signed integer.
quoted_string String enclosed in double quotes.
string String.
uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer.