Veritas™ File System 5.0.1 Administrator's Guide

<IOTEMP Type="nrbytes">
<MAX Flags="lt">4</MAX>
This rule relocates files whose 3-day I/O temperatures are less than 4 and which
reside on tier1 volumes. When VxFS calculates that already-relocated files would
result in tier2 volumes being fully occupied, VxFS relocates qualifying files to
tier3 volumes instead. VxFS relocates qualifying files as it encounters them in
its scan of the file system directory tree.
The <FROM> clause in the RELOCATE statement is optional. If the clause is not
present, VxFS evaluates files designated by the rule's SELECT statement for
relocation no matter which volumes they reside on when the fsppadm enforce
command is issued. The following example illustrates a fragment of a policy rule
that relocates files according to their sizes, no matter where they reside when the
fsppadm enforce command is issued:
<SIZE Units="MB">
<MAX Flags="lt">10</MAX>
Dynamic Storage Tiering
File placement policy rules