Veritas™ File System 5.0.1 Administrator's Guide
Tagging volumes as placement classes
The following example tags the vsavola volume as placement class tier1, vsavolb
as placement class tier2, vsavolc as placement class tier3, and vsavold as
placement class tier4 using the vxadm command.
To tag volumes
Tag the volumes as placement classes:
# vxvoladm -g cfsdg settag vsavola vxfs.placement_class.tier1
# vxvoladm -g cfsdg settag vsavolb vxfs.placement_class.tier2
# vxvoladm -g cfsdg settag vsavolc vxfs.placement_class.tier3
# vxvoladm -g cfsdg settag vsavold vxfs.placement_class.tier4
Listing placement classes
Placement classes are listed using the vxassist listtag command.
See the vxvoladm(1M) manual page.
The following example lists all volume tags, including placment classes, set on a
volume vsavola in the diskgroup cfsdg.
To list placement classes
List the volume tags, including placement classes:
# vxvoladm -g cfsdg listtag vsavola
Administering placement policies
A VxFS file placement policy document contains rules by which VxFS creates,
relocates, and deletes files, but the placement policy does not refer to specific file
systems or volumes. You can create a file system's active file placement policy by
assigning a placement policy document to the file system via the fsppadm command
or the GUI.
See the fsppadm(1M) manual page.
At most, one file placement policy can be assigned to a VxFS file system at any
time. A file system may have no file placement policy assigned to it, in which case
VxFS allocates space for new files according to its own internal algorithms.
In systems with Storage Foundation Management Server (SFMS) software installed,
file placement policy information is stored in the SFMS database. The SFMS
database contains both XML policy documents and lists of hosts and file systems
Dynamic Storage Tiering
Administering placement policies