VERITAS 4.1 Installation Guide (December 2005)
Removing Base-VXFS 4.1 and Base-VXVM 4.1
Removing Base-VXVM 4.1
Chapter 6 43
• Data from any volume that was created from multiple regions of storage, including striped
or spanned volumes, must be moved to a single disk or to an appropriate LVM logical
volume. See “Moving Base-VXVM 4.1 Volumes to LVM Volumes” on page 43.
• Base-VXVM 4.1 must be shut down. See “Shutting Down Base-VXVM 4.1” on page 45.
Removing Plexes
To remove plexes, complete the following steps:
Step 1. To display a list of all the volumes, run the following command:
# vxprint -Ath
Step 2. To remove a named plex, run the following command:
# vxplex -o rm disk plex
If the remaining plex has more than one sub-disk, run the following commands to
consolidate those sub-disks into a single sub-disk:
# vxassist mirror volume layout=config
# vxplex -o rm dis plex_name
NOTE The consolidation operation fails if you do not have sufficient space
on a single sub-disk.
Moving Base-VXVM 4.1 Volumes to LVM Volumes
Before moving Base-VXVM 4.1 volumes to LVM volumes, ensure that the following steps are
Step 1. Backup the system to tape or other media.
Step 2. Backup each file system individually, create new file systems on LVM logical
volumes, and recover all volumes.
Step 3. Move volumes incrementally on to logical volumes.
To move volumes, complete the following procedure: