HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide, March 2011 (Edition 9.2)

LVM with VxFS 5.0 configuration
A default cold-install will result in an LVM system with VxFS 5.0 and OnlineJFS 5.0 installed
(OnlineJFS will NOT be installed with the BOE). No additional selections in the IUX user interface
(UI) are needed to cold-install this configuration.
VxVM 5.0 with VxFS 5.0 configuration
To cold-install VxVM with VxFS, manually select the VxVM with VxFS environment (in the Ignite-UX
Basic tab) and manually select VxVM 5.0 [Base-VxVM-50] in the Software tab for install. You
MUST do both (explicitly select the VxVM “environment” and the VxVM 5.0 bundle
[Base-VxVM-50]) or Ignite-UX will fail with this error:
ERROR: The system has VxVM configured, but the VERITAS Volume Manager software was not
selected for loading. You are required to load it in order for the installation to succeed.
Use the software selection screen to mark the appropriate VxVM software for loading.
VxVM and VxFS installation with update-ux
All of the configurations described in “VxVM and VxFS installation through cold-install” (page 81)
can also be achieved during OEUR updates using update-ux. Just like cold-install, the update
process will default to VxFS 5.0 with LVM.
To install the VxFS 5.0 and VxVM 5.0 configurations noted in the previous section, simply make
sure that the desired bundles are selected in update-ux. To do so, use the following command:
update-ux -s depot_path Base-VxFS-50 Base-VxVM-50
VxVM considerations
As with other installs, updates to September 2008 OEUR and beyond will not install VxVM by
default. You must explicitly select VxVM 5.0 in the update-ux command line to install VxVM.
If VxVM is not selected for installation during update and VxVM is currently not in use, update
scripts built into the September 2008 OEUR and beyond will automatically remove any unused
older versions of VxVM from your system.
Unsupported system configurations
Many different configurations are selectable at update time, but not all of them would result in
supported system configurations. For this reason, pre-update scripts built into the September 2008
OEUR and beyond will block certain updates before they start, to prevent updates into unstable
configurations. The scripts will print an error message, and the error can be resolved by restarting
the update with different software selections.
For example, if an existing 11i v3 system has VxFS 4.1 and VxVM 4.1 configured, and an update
is attempted to the September 2008 OEUR and beyond with only VxFS 5.0 selected, the OEUR
scripts will block the update. This is done because this update would result in a system that has
VxFS 5.0 and VxVM 4.1 installed—an unsupported combination of versions. To resolve this error,
simply restart the update after selecting both VxFS 5.0 and VxVM 5.0 in update-ux, so that the
update results in matching 11i v3 versions of VxFS and VxVM.
Other unsupported paths will also be blocked by the scripts of September 2008 OEUR and beyond,
and can be resolved in similar ways. (The other most common blocked update occurs when 11i
v2 VxVM is in use on a system but you forget to select VxVM 5.0 at update time.)
IMPORTANT: If you have created any VxFS file system with disk layout version 2 or version 3,
these file systems cannot be mounted under VxFS 5.0 on HP-UX 11i v3.
What to do
Use the vxfsconvert or vxupgrade command to upgrade the disk layout to version 4 before
upgrading to VxFS 5.0 on HP-UX 11i v3. See the Veritas 5.0 Installation Guide (http://hp.com/
go/hpux-core-docs) for more information on VxFS 5.0.
Updates from HP-UX 11i v2 with OnlineJFS 4.1 to HP-UX 11i v3 with OnlineJFS 5.0
To update HP-UX 11i v2 systems that are installed with HP-UX 11i v2 OnlineJFS 4.1 and that you
want to update to HP-UX 11i v3 with OnlineJFS 5.0 (B3929FB), you must deselect HP-UX 11i v3
82 Installing VxFS and VxVM