HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide, March 2011 (Edition 9.2)
3. Create a directory under root (/). For example:
mkdir /dvdrom
4. Mount the DVD onto the new directory as a file system. For example:
mount /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /dvdrom
Unmounting the DVD
You must unmount the DVD before you can eject it from the DVD drive. For example:
umount /dvdrom
Note the DVD is automatically unmounted whenever the server reboots. For more information about
mounting and unmounting, see the mount(1M) and umount(1M) manpages.
Creating a network depot (optional)
You can create a network depot if you intend to cold-install or update HP-UX 11i v3 on other
systems on the network. A network depot allows you to cold-install or update all systems on the
network without having to move media from system to system. You can also create a network depot
if you want to avoid manually swapping media in a single system.
IMPORTANT: Also see the important information in “Standard HP-UX patch bundles” (page 61).
As root, follow this procedure to create a network depot and copy all products from the HP-UX 11i
v3 multiple DVD set to it:
1. Verify that you have at least 10 GB of free space to create the network depot on another
system in your network. If this space is not available, use smh either to create a new volume
group or to extend an existing volume group. For help, see the SMH help or the HP-UX System
Administrator’s Guide (http://hp.com/go/hpux-core-docs).
2. The HP-UX 11i v3 OE comes as a multiple DVD set. Mount the first (or next) DVD. (For
instructions, see “Mounting and unmounting the DVD” (page 26).)
3. Create the directory that will contain the network depot you want to create. For example:
mkdir /var/11iv3
4. Copy all products on the mounted DVD to the target depot. For example, to copy the products
to the target depot called update-depot, enter the following command:
swcopy -s /dvdrom \* @ /var/11iv3/update-depot
NOTE: Make sure you copy all products from every HP-UX 11i v3 DVD to your target depot.
5. Unmount the DVD. (For instructions, see “Mounting and unmounting the DVD” (page 26).)
6. For each additional DVD in the OE media set, replace the media in the DVD drive with the
next DVD. Then repeat steps 2 and 4.
Messages: errors, warnings, and notes
While the HP-UX 11i v3 install or update progresses, you will see progress messages that are
being entered into the log file. These messages usually refer to normal behavior. The ERROR,
WARNING, and NOTE messages, however, have the following significance:
ERROR Indicates a serious problem, usually requiring action from you so that the installation
can proceed.
WARNING Indicates something out of the ordinary, but not fatal. The warning might require action
from you.
NOTE Indicates useful information you should take note of, but not fatal. The note does not
require action from you.
Creating a network depot (optional) 27