HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-1801, August 2011)
parspec and can be reused later. If the -Z option is specified, the command removes the current
parspec when the nPartition is removed.
To remove an nPartition, use the parremove command:
parremove -p nPartition_id [-Z] [-F]
For example:
parremove -p 2
Removing (Deleting) an nPartition using the OA GUI
To remove an inactive nPartition, select the check box corresponding to the nPartition name from
the Complex nPartitions table, and then click Delete.
Renaming an nPartition
This section describes the procedure to rename an nPartition using both the OA interfaces.
Renaming an nPartition using the OA CLI
Use the parmodify command to rename the nPartition:
parmodify -p <nPar_id> -P <new_nPartition_name>
where, <nPar_ID> is the integer nPartition number which indicates which nPartition is getting
renamed, and new_nPartition_name is the new name for the nPartition.
The parmodify command provides a new name for the nPartition that is being modified. That is,
after all modifications are successfully applied to nPartition_id, it is renamed if a partition
with the same name does not exist.
An nPartition name must have one of the following non-numeric characters: a-z, A-Z, dash (-),
underscore (_), and period (.). No other non-numeric characters are allowed in an nPartition name.
An nPartition name must not start with a dash (-). An nPartition name with the same format as the
default name can only be specified if the specified name matches the nPartition number.
Renaming an nPartition using the OA GUI
To rename an nPartition using the GUI:
1. Select the nPartition from the left navigation pane.
2. Click Modify nPartition.
3. Enter the new name in the nPartition Name field.
4. Click Apply.
Assigning blades and I/O bays to an nPartition
This section describes the procedure to assign blades and I/O bays.
Assigning blades and I/O bays to an nPartition using the OA CLI
To assign or add a blade to an nPartition:
parmodify -p <nParId/nPar_name> -a
For more information, see help parcreate and help parmodify.
The following command adds the blade in enclosure 1, slot 3 to the existing nPartition 2.
parmodify -p 2 -a blade:1/3:base:y:ri:50%
To add an I/O bay to an nPartition:
parmodify -p <nParId/nPar_name> -a io:iobay_path
Renaming an nPartition 43