HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-1801, August 2011)
3 Getting started with nPartitions
HP Superdome 2 with sx3000 processors uses c-Class technology for the architecture of the system.
The HP Superdome 2 is managed by an OA with enhanced firmware. The OA has partitioning
capabilities, both for hard partitions (nPartition) and for virtual partitions (vPar). You can manage
the nPartitions and vPars through the OA without installing the software on any disk. Partitions can
also be managed from the OS's in the partitions (nPartition or vPar). The same set of commands
as in legacy servers can be used to manage partitions on HP Superdome 2 servers.
This chapter addresses the following topics:
• “Administration tool for nPartitions” (page 17)
• “nPartition resources” (page 18)
• “nPartition properties” (page 20)
• “Blade resource attributes” (page 22)
• “Operating system specific default values for nPartition attributes” (page 25)
• “Partition State and RunStates” (page 26)
• “Partition specifications (parspec)” (page 28)
Administration tool for nPartitions
The administration tool for nPartitions is the OA, which provides a graphical user interface and a
command-line interface. This section discusses the following topics:
• “Onboard Partition Manager” (page 17)
• “Commands for configuring nPartitions” (page 17)
Onboard Partition Manager
The Onboard Partition Manager is a set of tools integrated with the HP Superdome 2 Onboard
Administrator. The tools in the Onboard Partition Manager enables you to configure both nPartitions
and virtual partitions. These tools replace the legacy tools for partition configuration (ParMgr for
nPartitions and vparmgr for virtual partitions). The Onboard Partition Manager tools are enhanced
over the previous tools. The OA GUI can be launched either from the OA or from an operating
system instance via the HP System Management Homepage (SMH).
Commands for configuring nPartitions
You can use the nPartition commands within an instance of HP-UX to create, modify, monitor, and
remove nPartitions within the privileges granted via parperm (with the exception of parperm,
which is available only from the OA).
Table 13 lists the nPartition configuration commands.
NOTE: To execute partition commands from the operating system, you must have root user
Table 2 nPartition Commands
Creates a new nPartition. For more information, see help parcreate .parcreate
Displays or changes default values of certain nPartition attributes. For more information, see help
Modifies an existing nPartition. For more information, see help parmodify.parmodify
Administration tool for nPartitions 17