HP Management Platform Synchronization Installation and Reference Manual

OVO Collection Extensions
3-2 Installing MPS on the OVO Management Server on
Installing MPS on a Windows-based OVO Management Server requires the following steps
1. Copying OVO collection templates and migration scripts to the OVO Management Server
2. Executing the migration scripts on the OVO Management Server to convert the templates
3. Deploying the migrated templates to the OVO agents on the monitored systems
-2-1 Copying collection templates and migration scripts
Copy all content of the directory C:\Program Files\HP\CM\MVAA\MPS\distribution\ to a
temporary directory C:\temp\MPS on the Windows OVO Management Server.
Figure 4-12 Content of C:\Program Files\HP\CM\MVAA\MPS\distribution\
4-3-2-2 Migrating all templates to OVO Windows
On the OVO Windows server convert the MPS templates to OVO Windows policies.
cscript C:\temp\MPS\OVOU2OVOW\Main.vbs C:\temp\MPS\MPS_AIX_templates.zip
cscript C:\temp\MPS\OVOU2OVOW\Main.vbs C:\temp\MPS\MPS_for_OVO8_HPUX.zip
cscript C:\temp\MPS\OVOU2OVOW\Main.vbs C:\temp\MPS\MPS_HPUX_templates.zip
cscript C:\temp\MPS\OVOU2OVOW\Main.vbs
After migration, policies, policy groups, tools, tool groups, instrumentation executables are created
in OVOW server.
Four policy groups are created as the following: