HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Installation and Configuration Guide for HP-UX

8 Troubleshooting
Data collection issues
Installation issues
Memory issues
HP Servicecontrol Manager and HP SIM issues
Security issues
8.1 Data collection issues If you notice errors in the task results of a data collection task (for systems that are
configured and should respond properly to WBEM requests), and if you see some form
of out of memory errors or notice multiple instances of mxinventory processes
running, then it is likely that you need HP-UX kernel patch PHKL_35029 to fix a pthread
library problem. The HP Java web-site lists this as a required patch for Java 1.5 on
HP-UX 11.23 0609.
8.2 Installation issues On an HP-UX system, upgrading SIM from the 6.3 version to the 7.2 version does not
restore the complete All Software Distributor tools on the CMS.
When you upgrade HP SIM from the 6.3 version to the 7.2 version on an HP-UX system,
the upgrade process does not reinstate Set SD Access tool as an option under Deploy
-> Software Distributor.
Solution: To resolve this issue, run the following command: mxtool -a -f
/var/opt/mx/tools/swm-msa-tools.xml. The Virtual Server Environment (VSE) Standalone Servers collection displays the same
result as the All Servers collection after the database initialization during the Systems
Insight Manager installation.
Solution: The Virtual Server Environment collection is not available by default in Systems
Insight Manager 7.2. This collection is available only if the VSE plug-in is installed.
To resolve this issue, restart the Systems Insight Manager server if collections return
unexpected results after the Systems Insight Manager installation. On an HP-UX system, the mxinitconfig -a command fails at step 8, and the
following error appears in the /var/opt/mx/logs/initconfig.log file: ...8.
Database Configuration Connecting to database...- Failed HP
Systems Insight Manager shutting down: Lost connection to
database. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection
refused.Check that the host name and port are correct and that
the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. for db loaded
from database.props
Try the following solutions:
Ensure that the semmni and semmns kernel parameters are set to the minimum
values (1024 for semmni and 2048 for semmns).
The subdirectory /var/opt/iexpress/postgresql exists because the
PostgreSQL product is not installed or was installed and removed incorrectly.
Remove PostgreSQL if it is installed, delete the /var/opt/iexpress/
postgresql directory, and then reinstall PostgreSQL.
8.3 Memory issues Many things can cause an out-of-memory condition when you are running the HP SIM
product. The two common ones are not enough physical memory or not enough swap