HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

Managing WBEM Event Subscriptions for HP-UX Systems
with HP SIM, 87
reports, 516
SSH keys, 33, 599
system groups from CLI, 149
system groups from GUI, 149
system types, 121
time filters, 284
managing communications
HP ProLiant Support Pack, 422
protocols, 404
SNMP;, 409
SSH, 421
WBEM, 418
WBEM;, 409, 415
managing contacts
creating, 587
deleting, 589
editing, 588
system properties, 587
mcompile, 83, 428
problems, 611
quick launch, 295
MIB, 127, 293, 561
compiling, 428
editing, 428
internet management, 578
preloaded, 429
registering, 427, 429
rules, 127
unregistering, 431
vendor, 578
viewing list, 427, 429
example, 127
Manually Migrating to HP SIM, 87
Moving HP SIM to a new system, 87
P2V, 441
SMP Universal, 441
V2P, 441
V2V, 441
modem settings, 539, 541
automatic event handling tasks, 539
configuring, 552
monitoring (see enabling) (see suspending)
clusters, 189
events, 189
MSCS status, 301
systems, 189
cluster collections, 199
event collections, 207
system collections, 199, 207
Mozilla, 611
language, 80
MSA (see multiple-system aware) (see multiple-system
aware tools)
MSA tools, 293, 482
clusters, 297
MSCS polling rate, 298
MSCS resource, 301
MSCS status
monitoring, 301
multiple-system aware tools, 80, 290, 343
mutliple-system aware, 287, 329
mx.log, 603
mxagentconfig, 33, 83, 329, 389, 432
mxauth, 83, 144, 148
mxcert, 83
mxcollection, 83, 195, 196, 199, 201, 202, 204, 205,
208, 209
mxdomainmgr, 83
mxdtf, 83, 601
mxexec, 80, 83, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140,
141, 142, 144, 148, 282, 286, 304, 556
mxgethostname, 83
mxglobalprotocolsettings, 83
mxglobalsettings, 83
mxinitconfig, 83
mxmib, 83, 427, 431
mxngroup, 83, 144, 147, 148, 149
mxnode, 83, 148
mxnodesecurity, 83, 577
mxpassword, 83
mxquery, 83
mxreport, 83, 512, 513, 516, 517
mxstart, 83
mxstm, 83, 123, 124, 126, 127
mxstop, 83, 603
mxtart, 603
mxtask, 80, 83, 95, 282, 286, 290, 545, 556, 584
mxtool, 83, 329, 389
document type definition, 343
other requirements, 343
parameterized strings, 343
strings substitution table, 343
tool filtering, 343
tool types, 343
version numbers, 343
mxtoolbox, 83, 139, 140, 141, 142
mxuser, 83, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137
mxwbemsub, 83, 556, 558
mxwsman, 83
naming conventions
custom tools, 331, 332
NAS Management, 483
All Scheduled Tasks page, 291
cluster table view page, 231
event table view page, 237
Home page, 76
748 Index