HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 Technical Reference Guide

iLO, 376, 380
managing, 376, 380, 386
license management, 362, 386
license manager, 293, 366
activation key agreement, 365
beta, 365
demo, 365
demo (seats and time), 365
evaluation, 365
flexible quantity, 365
individual, 365
intrinsic, 365
reporting, 385
subscription, 365
about licenses, 365
adding keys from file, 374
adding keys individually, 372
assigning and un-assigning , 378, 382
assigning licenses, 362
collecting license information, 362, 366
iLO, 362
managing keys, 376, 380
managing licenses, 362
PMP, 598
ProLiant Essentials, 362
SMP Universal, 441
viewing licensed systems, 371
Linux, 177, 570, 581, 603, 611
commands, 129
configuring language, 80
HP VCA, 464
managed systems, 57
user authorization, 165
viewing MIB list, 427
Linux commands, 304
Linux IPF, 480
Linux systems
WBEM indications, 33
task results, 290
English, 80
Japanese, 80
Configure or Repair Agents results, 327
log.properties, 601, 603
logging in
CLI, 42
login, 611
single, 165
logs, 611
all scheduled tasks, 286
ls, 129, 343
manage SSH keys, 598
manage system types page
navigating, 121
Managed Environment
First Time Wizard, 55
managed environment
First Time Wizard, 48
first time wizard, 46
managed system, 37
overview, 37
managed systems, 178, 474
Automating Software Maintenance in an HP
Environment, 87
communications, 393
configuring, 46, 50
HP-UX, 59
Linux, 57
overview, 57
quick repair, 398
recommendation for repair, 395
repairing communication, 395
repairing communication problems, 398
setting up, 57
Windows, 67
management, 467
management agents, 57, 59, 67, 210
management domain
overview, 37
Management HTTP Server
trust relationships, 184
Management Processor , 483
management processor, 102, 119, 210, 224, 293, 443,
identification, 569
System tab, 447
management processors
creating user, 387
deleting user, 387
deploying SSH public key, 387
editing user, 387
iLO control, 387
LAN access, 387
LDAP settings, 387
system locator, 387
system power, 387
upgrading firmware, 387
management protocols, 57, 59, 67
management proxies
deleting host systems, 227
automatic event handling tasks, 539, 541, 543
cluster collections, 231
CMS communications, 393
custom tools, 329, 335
discovery task, 94
events, 539
hosts files, 94
license keys, 376, 380, 386
licenses, 362
Managing HP servers through firewalls with HP SIM,