HP Systems Insight Manager 7.3 User Guide
• Receive storage system events and associate them with the system that generated the event
(through Command View) running on a system, or from a tape library management card.
• Context launch appropriate management application from the context of the event or the
context of the system running the Command View that generated the event.
IMPORTANT: To discover an XP P9500 array, you can either discover it with a CVAE server or
discover it with embedded SMI-S. Do not use both methods of discovery together because there
are chances for Data collection and WBEM subscriptions to fail.
Storage events
With HP SIM, administrators can monitor inventory and configure and manage hardware resources
and the system software that affects the systems.
HP SIM provides the administrator with a complete overview of the hardware status. Storage events
provide notification that a problem exists that might affect the availability of storage resources,
which can affect system and application availability. HP SIM receives detailed event messages
through WBEM events or SNMP traps. These events identify the system and the affected disk and
provide an error number for looking up details and a description of the problem. The event details
also contain links to the Command View server that generated the event. HP SIM associates a disk
or RAID subsystem with the controller managing these drives for internal storage.
Storage inventory details
HP SIM inventory retrieves and stores the following information from internal disk drives:
• Disk
Total number of disk slots◦
◦ Number of used slots
◦ Slot ID
◦ The type of disk in slot
◦ Disk manufacturer
◦ Disk model
◦ Disk part number
◦ Disk characteristics
◦ Firmware version
◦ Controller ID that is managing this disk
• Controller details
Total number of controllers◦
◦ Controller type
◦ Controller manufacturer
◦ Model number
◦ Part number
◦ Slot ID that this card is installed in
138 Storage integration using SMI-S