HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Installation and Configuration Guide for HP-UX

Tomcat An open source implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies that is used
by HP SIM as a web server.
tool An application, command, or script that can be executed by HP SIM on one or more systems to
perform a task.
toolbox A defined set of tools that a user might need for a particular task, such as database administration
or software management. Each HP SIM toolbox is associated with a set of tools and authorizations.
trap An unsolicited message generated by a management agent that indicates that an event has
occurred. For example, a monitored item has exceeded a set threshold or changed status.
Previously called alarm.
See also
trap categories Event collection systems found by event type. SNMP traps categorized by HP SIM into logical
groups according to their functions.
trap forwarding
The IP address of a system that has been specified to receive trap notifications forwarded by the
HP SIM systems.
type The classification of a system, which identifies it as a standard system type. The system types are
client, cluster, portable, printer, remote access device, repeater, router, server, switch, unknown,
workstation, and other.
uncleared event
Events that have a Critical, Major, Minor, Normal, or Informational severity and have not been
cleared or deleted from the database. Events can be cleared without being deleted from the
database by using the Clear events menu option.
Critical. A failure has occurred, and immediate attention is required.
Major. A failure is impending.
Minor. A warning condition exists that can escalate into a more serious problem.
Normal. These events are not a problem.
Informational. No attention required. This status is provided as useful information
unknown status HP SIM cannot obtain management information about the system using SNMP or DMI. Although
no management instrumentation information is available, the system can be pinged. It might have
an invalid community string or security setting.
user A network user with a valid login on the Central Management Server that has been added to HP
user accounts Accounts used to sign-in to HP SIM. These accounts associate a local Windows user account or
a domain account with privilege levels and paging attributes inside HP SIM.
user group A group of users defined on the Central Management Server operating system that has been
added to HP SIM. Members of the user group in the operating system can sign-in to HP SIM.
user rights user A user who cannot configure the Central Management Server. However, the user can view and
run predefined reports on the Central Management Server and all managed systems.
VCA log A listing of all the software maintenance tasks completed by the HP Version Control Agent and
reports resulting from those tasks.
version control Referred to as the HP Version Control Repository Manager installed on a Windows system for
Windows and Linux ProLiant systems, and Software Distributor on HP-UX operating systems.
Provides an overview of the software status for all managed ProLiant or Integrity systems and can
update system software and firmware on those systems programmatically using predetermined
criteria. Version control identifies systems that are running out-of-date system software, indicates
if an upgrade is available, and provides reasons for upgrading. For HP-UX systems, Software
Distributor can be launched from an HP SIM Central Management Server against one or more
installed HP-UX systems.