HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Installation and Configuration Guide for HP-UX

Note: For more information about HP-UX WBEM events, go to the
WBEM Event Subscriptions for HP-UX
systems managed by HP SIM 5.0
white paper at http://h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/
From the managed system, be sure WBEM is already installed.
Note: Subscribing to WBEM Indications/Events on managed systems is optional.
Verify that SysFaultMgmt provider is installed:
cimprovider ls
From the CMS:
To subscribe to WBEM Events, you must have root access. If the Global Protocol Setting does not match
the managed system or does not contain root access, the subscription for WBEM Indications fails. You
can verify what access WBEM has by running the following command line:
mxnodesecurity l p wbem n <systemname>
If the managed system does not have a root level user credential configured, you can add it for the
individual system.
Note: You can use the Configure or Repair Agents tool to perform this step without permanently recording
a root password.
To change the individual system:
mxnodesecurity -a -p WBEM -c \
<username:password> -n <systemname>
From the CMS, run the WBEM Indications/Events command line:
mxwbemsub -l -n <systemname>
HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 User Guide
at http://h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/
management/hpsim/infolibrary.html for more information.
Install WBEM on the managed system if not previously installed.
swinstall -s /directory/depot B8465BA
where directory is the path to the depot file and depot is the name of the depot file. For example:
swinstall -s /tmp/HPSIM_download.depot B8465BA
Configure DMI on HP-UX 11.0 systems
Configure DMI on the managed system by adding the DNS host name of the CMS.
NOTE: DMI must only be configured for HP-UX 11.0.
Stop the DMI daemon on the managed system:
/sbin/init.d/Dmisp stop
Edit /var/dmi/dmiMachines by adding the host name of the CMS to the end of this file.
Save the file.
Start the DMI daemon:
/sbin/init.d/Dmisp start
Setting up managed systems manually 49