HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux

7. Complete the upgrade by restarting the HP SIM daemons using mxstop and mxstart.
HP SIM is now installed and initialized on the CMS. To browse to HP SIM, start the HP SIM
graphical user interface (GUI) using Firefox, or Internet Explorer at http://<IP_Address>:280/.
8. After upgrading to HP SIM 6.x and above, sign in to HP SIM, and run the Daily Device
Identification task to ensure that all your associations are updated correctly.
NOTE: Before running the Daily Device Identification task, if there is a WMI Mapper Proxy
node configured from the previous release, you must first re-identify the WMI Mapper node
and verify that the Properties page for the WMI Mapper is working properly. See “Configuring
HP SIM” (page 37) for details.
To run the daily Identification task:
a. Select Tasks & Logs>View All Scheduled Tasks. The All Scheduled Tasks page appears.
b. Select the Daily Device Identification task.
c. Click Run Now.
NOTE: Some tools in the Monitor Tools toolbox of previous versions of HP SIM have been removed
from HP SIM 5.x. They either provide administrator-type functionality or access to administrator-level
files to non-administrator users of HP SIM. If upgrading from a previous version, these tools remain
in the Monitor Tools toolbox. You must review the contents of the Monitor Tools toolbox and any
other toolboxes you have created, and remove these tools accordingly.
If upgrading from HP SIM 6.x and above, the list of tools include:
Table 11 Available tools
General toolsMonitor tools
General Toolstype
General toolscat
General toolsfind
Procedure 5 Removing tools
1. Sign in to HP SIM as administrative rights user.
2. Select Options>Security>Users and Authorizations, and then click the Toolboxes tab.
3. Select the Monitor Tools toolbox.
4. Click Edit.
5. In the Toolbox contents panel, select the tools you want to remove and click the <> button.
6. Click OK to save.
NOTE: After upgrading to HP SIM to ensure that all network devices, racks, and enclosures are
properly identified, run Identification. Select OptionsIdentify Systems. The Identify Systems page
appears. See the http://www.hp.com/go/insightmanagement/sim/docs for more information.
Upgrading HP SIM in Linux 43