HP Surestore Tape Library User's Guide

154 Diagnostic Support Tools Chapter 4
Diagnostic Support Tools
The following tools are available for the library:
HP Library & Tape Tools on page 154
Support Tools Manager and Sysdiag on page 155
Running Library Diagnostic Tests on page 156
HP Library & Tape Tools
With HP Library & Tape Tools installed on your host computer, you can do the
Identify all SCSI and Fibre Channel devices connected to your system
View detailed configuration, identification, inventory, and drive
information for the library
Easily update library and drive firmware (Upgrading Firmware on
page 176)
Run advanced diagnostic tests, including connectivity, read/write, media
validation, and testing library functionality
View library and drive error logs
Generate a detailed support file that can be emailed or faxed to your
support representative for analysis
The HP Library & Tape Tools diagnostic provides an intuitive graphical user
interface with integrated context-sensitive help (see Figure 50 on page 155). It
can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.hp.com/support/