HP Surestore Tape Library User's Guide
Chapter 4 Understanding Error States 127
Chapter 4
Use the following steps to resolve the problem:
1. From the screen with the initial error message or from the
Hard Error Log,
[More] to retrieve more information about the error.
2. Record all information from this screen for later reference.
3. Select
[More]. Record the list of recommendations on this and any
subsequent screens. To retrieve this information after you exit, view the
latest entry in the hard error log.
4. Perform the recommendations in the order presented. Continue with each
ccessive recommendation until the problem is isolated. Here are some
examples of the types of recommendations:
—Power cycle the library.
— Remove a tape from the library.
— Check the library or host configuration.
— Check the cable connections (data or power).
— Run front panel diagnostic tests.
— Reposition a tape or magazine.
Caution Before upgrading firmware, be sure to generate a support ticket
using HP Library & Tape Tools (see page 154). The resulting
information may be helpful to your service representative in
resolving potential issues that may have prompted the firmware
— Upgrade firmware.
5. If the problem persists after implementing all of the recommendations
resented on the front panel display, contact your service representative.
(See page 195.)